Monday, November 30, 2009

Hey ya'll. It rained semi seriously today and thought it would be a good time for a blog. First, the rain had that rain smell which was quite refreshing. It also foreshadowed some seriously muddy conditions in the futuere when we get some significant rain. Apparently the rainy season can be fairly extreme so we are preparing with sandbags around the tents. It is hoped the rain will not slow down the construction and work we are doing out here.

After it stopped raining for a while these beautiful cloud and light visions opened so I tried to get a good picture of them.

I love the light beaming through the clouds like fingers prying them apart to let us see heaven.
The panoramics I have taken are hit or miss. I think this one is more hit. The one that was more miss did not appear on the blog.

A line of 53's I took some time ago. I just can't get enough of pictures of aircraft. This must be why I joined the Navy.

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