Friday, November 6, 2009

The Osprey Has Landed

O.K., so today I had a lot to blog and thankfully, the computers were open and moving at unusually high speeds. This morning I went down to the flight line to watch the Osprey's land (V-22 for you aircraft nerds). This is a montage of their landing here and some other sweet pictures. Semper Fidelis!!

The above picture is a Russian made helicopter. Notice the dual propellars on top. Pretty odd looking. However, for you nerds out there, the physics and engineering on this baby have got to be revving your engine.
V-22 coming in for a landing.

Landing in a row.

After landing they taxied right up to where we were standing.

Awesome huh? Some say that they are ugly. Not I. Like the scriptures say, the Lord looketh upon the heart. I looketh upon the specifications. This bird is fast, can take off and land with a relatively short runway or no runway at all and it can carry troops to the fight. What else is there to say. Besides, who doesn't like slate grey.

Happy Blog! This beautiful picture is of a package I received the other day from the Dustin and Kendra Wirig's! Obviously, it was absolutely fabulous. Movies, candy oatmeal etc. Kendra even put cookies in a bag with bubble wrap to ensure they would be structurally sound upon arrival. They were delicious and round. To the D.K. W.'s - thanks. To everyone out there I appreciate all your support for myself and more importantly my family. Mike

To anyone who has been to Disneyland and eaten a Monte Cristo, this collage is for you. This sandwhich is called a "ham and cheese dream". The English cooks name, but it certainly is fitting. It is ham and cheese between bread dipped in egg batter and fried. Something like french toast ham and cheese. Not quite a monte cristo, but we did our best to hook it up, as you can see below.

Chris and I enjoying the feast. At first the others didn't believe me that jam would be good on the sandwhich, but any of my fellow Monte Cristo afficianados can attest to the truthfulness of my statement. After some reluctantce, the others embarked on the gastronomical journey with me and were greatly ewarded. To those of you at home the recipe for real Monte Cristo's can be found on the Disney website, or contact my wife, Shannon for it.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, where can I find your address? Can you email it to me if you can't post it?
