Monday, November 23, 2009

So I was at a FOB last week (see last post) and got to get my "hands dirty" while I was there. We are building a runway extension with this heavy metal matting. Here I am with one of the other officers laying some mat. Most people were surprised to see the medical officer out there but I had time and love to get in and do what the Marines are doing. You have to lay the matting in the right geometric pattern to maximize the pieces available and build a sturdy runway up to specifications. While doing this, C-130's and Osprey were landing right next to us, not 50 feet away.

When the Osprey first landed on this runway it totally tore it up. We are jackhamering (this tool is called the beaver) a hole to lock the mat, already laid, into place. This is not easy labor. It took 15 minutes to drill this one hole 3 feet, afterwhich I was exhausted. These guys had like 64 to do. It was a long day. As an aside, I am rocking a totally cool double chin in this picture.

It is very dusty here. We played football and this was the result. We won, I scored a touchdown, what else is there to say? Oh, I did get a shower after. Also, all the Marines when they take a formal picture make this face I like to call the warface. It is like "one word out of you and I will skin you alive" with your eyes. I tried my best impression of that face. It is a work in progress.

A C-130 at night. This didn't turn out quite as well as I had hoped. Right after I took this I had to get on the plane so I couldn't attempt another. I did feel the picture still shows the coolness of the plane at night which is what I was trying to convey.
Lastly, I have to apologize to my parents. They sent me a great package but the pictures would not load so it didn't make the blog. All I ask is for forgiveness because it was a rockin gift. Well appreciated and received.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately your "warface" is not that believable to me. Although, you are looking pretty buff. Happy Thanksgiving.

