When the Osprey first landed on this runway it totally tore it up. We are jackhamering (this tool is called the beaver) a hole to lock the mat, already laid, into place. This is not easy labor. It took 15 minutes to drill this one hole 3 feet, afterwhich I was exhausted. These guys had like 64 to do. It was a long day. As an aside, I am rocking a totally cool double chin in this picture.
It is very dusty here. We played football and this was the result. We won, I scored a touchdown, what else is there to say? Oh, I did get a shower after. Also, all the Marines when they take a formal picture make this face I like to call the warface. It is like "one word out of you and I will skin you alive" with your eyes. I tried my best impression of that face. It is a work in progress.
A C-130 at night. This didn't turn out quite as well as I had hoped. Right after I took this I had to get on the plane so I couldn't attempt another. I did feel the picture still shows the coolness of the plane at night which is what I was trying to convey.
Lastly, I have to apologize to my parents. They sent me a great package but the pictures would not load so it didn't make the blog. All I ask is for forgiveness because it was a rockin gift. Well appreciated and received.
Unfortunately your "warface" is not that believable to me. Although, you are looking pretty buff. Happy Thanksgiving.