Friday, January 29, 2010

Valentines Day and ANA

So the ANA don't focus on safety as much as they focus on ease. The riders on this humvee were all laughing when they went over bumps and almost got thrown off. We weren't laughing. I was about to get some work.

Here is an ANA soldier hanging from a large hook. What is there to say?
So I got a package the other day (pictured below) and though it was for Valentines day I couldn't wait. I was having a bad day and needed some cheering up. Time is going slower than ever and things just haven't been that good.
Valentines Balloon I got in the care package below.

I certainly got teased about all the hearts on the box but everyone stopped when i told them it was from my kids. The hearts are actually from Shannon, she can get a little carried away when it comes to markers.
This is a great Blue Angel valentine from Andrew with engineering help from Grandpa Dave. A great valentine. I was flynig it all over my tent doing knife edged passes and tuck under breaks.

This is from Sydney. She expressed that it was her favorite and I would agree that it is wonderful. Note the attention to detail witht the heart ribbon so meticulously attached. Note the alternating heart pattern repeated with stickers matching the above ribbon. Priceless.

This is From Shannon. Though slightly ripped in transportation the feelings came through. Shannon loves this stuff.

The contents of the whole package. Not easily seen is a pink book in the bottom left filled with pictures of the kids and I and Shannon. It was the highlight of the package. Very uplifting and memorable.

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