Thursday, October 1, 2009

Flying to the Moon?

I usually have only enough time to load a couple pics before I am forced to get off the computer here in AFG. Today, however, I got up at 0400 in the morning to get here when there was not much of a crowd so I was able to get a few more loaded than usual. I realize that means there is a lack of theme continuity in this blog so i apologize. I guess I will just have to work on that. Hope everyone is having fun and is safe. Best wishes from Afghanistan!

I am never sure how many pictures I can load in the time alloted so here are some pictures representing the best in frontier medicine!

So here are some sweet helo pics.

Here are some pictures from my recent overnight trip to an outlying base. You will notice a little expose' on the CH 53 D helicopter. It can lift the most weight in the Marines' arsenal. It can refuel in the air and as you can see is equipped with three 50 cal machine guns. So awesome. The last picture is of the "moon dust" in this outlying area. It gets everywhere. Makes quite a mess. Can you imagine driving in this?


  1. Mike! how's it going???? We are going to BFFs by the time you get back to the states (what with all of my commenting and such. We will probably communicate more now than when you lived in CA). Anyway....the picture of the dust gave me the shivers. It must be a mom-reflex or something...but I just imagined 4 little boys playing in it and how I would never get it out of their hair or clothes. I'm glad we have grass here. Anyway....are you pretty busy during the day? What do you do for church? You should start a club of some sort....i'll try to think of a few ideas for you. have fun!

  2. I love the stitches!!!! Nothing fancy, just close it up!! That will be an awesome scar!!!

    Do you fly out on the helo for that? Cool that you get to do that. I can't believe how big it is inside.


  3. The Blue Angels thing is this Saturday (Fleet Week) on the roof of my building. Will be thinking of you.

    I had to wake a homeless guy off my couch this morning at my office. Just thought I would let you know.

  4. Church is pretty cool here. We are a branch, so about 15-20 people come and we have a branch pres and assistant. We can only use the chapel for an hour so it is a quick sacrament then a sunday school/sacrament talk combined and then done. We all go eat lunch together after.

    Not too many homeless out here but there are a lot of tcn (third country nationals) working here. We are all very wary of them.
