Saturday, October 3, 2009

Giving what I got

The first pictures are some more throw backs of the kids. On the night represented here we had a delicious meal at the Wirigs of ribs (something I seriously miss over here). During the meal Sydney got off her chair and hid under the table, I think she grabbed a couple toes first but then was quiet. After 5 minutes we wondered what she was doing and lo and behold she had fallen asleep. Grandmas house can really wear you out. Andrew was coming into his own in terms of eating and obviously, since we were having ribs, he was enjoying the delicious sloppiness and devouring the food with urgency and vigor.

The next picture is of a formation we had one warm day. One of the really fun things about the military and Marines specifically are the traditions and the respect we have for them. Getting together to honor those who get promoted or other type events makes you remember the importance of what you do and gives you respect for all the hard work military members have done before and continue to do.

The last picture is looking out the back of the 53. It should have been on the last post but somehow I forgot it. Some people thing cadillacs are a smoothe ride, but nothing is smoother than the 53.

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