Tuesday, March 30, 2010

End of an Era

I am writing this entry as a farewell to Afghanistan. It will likely be my last entry form this country. I wanted to thank my family and friends for all the support they have given me and my fellow servicemen and women, these past months. It truly has been an honor and a pleasure to serve my country and alongside my fellows. As much as I miss my family I will certainly miss this place somewhat. I could talk for hours on the problems and trouble here but the reality is that I have grown fond of some aspects of life in Afghanistan. I suppose there is something positive about the what we did here to feel that way.

One interesting thing I have seen here is how many people figure things out in their life when away from everything else. Certainly for some, being away from family and home and being around the troubles here distracts them from what is important. However, it is truly surprising how many individuals get their lives back in step with where they want it to be. Many are able to sift through the chaff and prioritize the important goals in their lives. A great man once said (I'm paraphrasing here) war makes some men hard and callous, while it makes others grateful for what they have. I am truly more grateful for my family and our freedoms being out here.

Lastly I wanted to thank you again. As Shakespeare wrote: "we few, we precious few" for those who read with me on this blog shall forever be my brothers. Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience with me and I hope to see many of you in the near future.


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